Epidural Needles

  • Epidural Needles are medical equipment used to provide pain relief during labor and delivery.
  • These needles are inserted into the epidural space of the spine, where the drugs are injected to relieve the labor pain.
  • It is a safe and effective procedure which provides quick pain relief for a smooth delivery.
  • Epidural Needles are medical equipment used to provide pain relief during labor and delivery.
  • These needles are inserted into the epidural space of the spine, where the drugs are injected to relieve the labor pain.
  • It is a safe and effective procedure which provides quick pain relief for a smooth delivery.
  • Epidural Needles are typically made of stainless steel and come in a variety of sizes and shapes depending on the type of procedure and patient’s body shape.
  • The needles are guided into the patient’s body with the help of an X-Ray machine and inserted into the epidural space.
  • The drugs, usually in the form of local anesthetics, are then injected through the needle and into the epidural space to provide quick relief from the labor pain.
  • The procedure is usually monitored by a trained clinician and is considered safe for both the mother and the baby.
  • Epidural Needles are a lifesaver for those who are going through labor and delivery.
  • It helps reduce the pain and makes the process smoother for the patient.
  • It is important to note that a qualified clinician should always be consulted before undergoing this procedure to ensure safety.